The second Italian edition of the Deloitte “Best Managed Companies” award, created to support and reward Italian companies that demonstrate excellence in organizational capacity, strategy and performance, has come to an end.
Laica S.p.A. was among the 46 winning companies that reached this great milestone, celebrated with an award ceremony on May 28 at Palazzo Mezzanotte, the prestigious headquarters of the Italian Stock Exchange and awarded by Deloitte in collaboration with Altis Università Cattolica, Elite and Confindustria.

Laica S.p.A. was and is one of those companies that has managed to adopt a flexible and cutting-edge business model to remain competitive on the global market by comparing itself more effectively and efficiently with international players.
Strategy, Skills and Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Commitment and Corporate Culture, Governance and Performance Measurement, Internationalization: these are the critical success factors identified by Deloitte and which have been evaluated by an independent jury, made up of authoritative exponents of the entrepreneurial landscape, Italian academic and institutional, to decree the winning companies.
The winning companies, distributed throughout the country, recorded an average growth in turnover of 20% and an increase in net income of 13.5% from FY16 to FY17. The manufacturing sector (74%) is the most represented among the Best Managed Companies, while the differentiating factor is the excellence of products and services. The Survey “Global Perspectives for Private Companies: Agility in Changing Markets” reveals optimism about the future: 83% of Italian companies foresee a development trend of activities in the next 24 months and focus on technology.